Buscando a Deus Podcast

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Mentiras e verdades

Nancy: I once received a letter from a woman named Shondra that demonstrates what can happen when we listen to a lie.

Shondra: I thought God would never accept me .

Nancy: And it progresses as we continue to believe the lie.

Shondra: I thought I had to do something to be accepted by God .

Nancy: If we meditate on lies, we will soon believe them.

Shondra: I could only please God if I were a perfect Christian.

Nancy: And finally, we will obey the lie.

Shondra: The pressure was so much that I suffered severe depression .

Nancy: But there is power when we listen, meditate, and believe the truth.

Shondra: I realized that I need to fill my mind with God's Word - I don't need to act a certain way or keep Him from getting angry. I just need to know the truth so I can …